Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Rose and Fall

I snapped the pink rose photo on October 11, 2014 during my daily run.
She defiantly glowed on that day.
Roots firmly planted in the ground, pink head standing proudly.
Trapped behind the fence of a run-down yellow house, she decided to grow.
Sunshine, rain and love.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Half Woman.
Half Momma.
Yet, both identities blend into one individual struggling to maintain a daily equilibrium of self.
Love and nurture both parts with all of their needs, they both roar when abandoned.
They purr when appreciated.
Wo-Momma happens when baby girl spills her glass of Coca Cola all over the floor you just washed.
Wo-Momma happens with each spoonful of Nutella you soundlessly steal.
Wo-Momma bleeds.
Wo-Momma celebrates a forty minute run on a country road lined by olive trees and grape vines.
Wo-Momma snuggles under the covers; she lets you keep your nightlight even when you're twelve.
Morellino di Scansano and leftover pizza; orange juice and eggs with fresh truffles. 
When it suddenly starts pouring rain, don't hand her a broken umbrella...kiss her.